
Objectives 2018-07-24T09:25:37+00:00

The Malaysian Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Penang exists to meet the wide and varied needs of its members. Its principle objectives are:

  • To watch over, assist and protect the general interest of trade, commerce and industry in Malaysia in general and in the State of Penang in particular.

  • To collect and to impart information on all matters of interest to the mercantile community and to make representations to the appropriate authorities.

  • To represent the Chamber’s views on matters of trade, commerce and industry whenever necessary and to form a code of practice whereby the transaction of business may be simplified.

  • To receive references and act thereupon.

  • To sell, improve, manage and develop, exchange, lease, mortgage, disposal or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Chamber.

  • To provide facilities for holding and conducting sales of properties, arbitrations, meetings of creditors, companies or other like matter.

  • To construct upon any premises acquired for the purposes of the Chamber, any building or buildings for the purposes of the Chamber and to alter, add or remove any building upon any such premises.

  • To borrow or raise any monies required for the purposes of the Chamber upon such terms and in such manner and on such securities as the Chamber may determine.

  • To arbitrate in the matter of disputes arising out of the commercial transactions between members of the Chamber and/or other parties willing or agreeing to abide by the judgment and decision of the Chamber.

  • To protect and generally look after the business interests of its members.

  • To draw up bye-laws for the smooth running of the Chamber.

  • To promote and constructively comment on legislations and/or other measures affecting commerce and industry.

  • To promote and facilitate commerce and industry in Malaysia and between Malaysia and foreign countries and the interests of persons engaged in such commerce and industry.

  • To communicate with other Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other mercantile and public and private bodies throughout the world and promote measures for facilities of trade.

  • To subscribe to, become a member of or co-operate with any lawful association whether incorporated or not whose objects are wholly or in part similar to those of the Chambers.

  • To issue certificate of authentication.

  • To support Charitable, Cultural and Educational institution.

  • To establish a Charity Foundation to Provide Scholarships and/or educational assistance for deserving and needy students in the State of Penang.


The Indian Business community in the private sector with direct affiliations with the government