Seminars / Events / Campaigns

/Seminars / Events / Campaigns
Seminars / Events / Campaigns 2024-06-16T15:38:37+00:00

100th Annual General Meeting
The Malaysian Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry, Penang has held its 99th Annual General Meeting on 27th May 2023 at Bayview Hotel Georgetown, Penang. During the AGM, the nominated President, Deputy President, Honorary Treasurer and Asst. Honorary Secretary for 2023 – 2025 was not opposed. They are as follows: –

  • President – Dato’ S. Parthiban
  • Deputy President – Dato’ M.Chandra Kumar
  • Honorary Treasurer – Mr S. Yuvabalan
  • Asst Honorary Secretary – Mr S.Patmanathen

However, for the post of Vice President, there are 3 corner contest between Mr. S. Devamurthy, Dato’ G. Mariadas and Dato’ Asok Kumar of which Dato’ G. Mariadas  won. For the post of Honorary Secretary, there are two-way contest between Dato’ N. Ramanathan and Dato’ Seri’ N. Gobalakrishnan of which Dato’ Seri’ N. Gobalakrishnan won.

As for the Management Council Members, there are 17 candidates have contested for 12 seats.


Courtesy Visit And Dialoque session with Dato Selvam Krishnan (Chairman of Young Entrepreneurs)
The Malaysian Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry, Penang have organised a dialoque session with Dato Selvam Krishnan, Chairman of Young Entrepreneurs) on 26th June 2023. It was a successful event where 20 young entrepreneur had participated the said event.

Courtesy Visit by The Indonesian Consulate to Malaysian Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry, Penang
The Indonesian Consulate have visited our Chamber on 14th August 2023. A fruitful discussion was held between our Chamber members and the Consulate on their upcoming Trade Expo Indonesia which was scheduled from 18/10/23 to 22/10/23 at BSD City Tangerang, Indonesia.

Courtesy Visit by Penang Chief Minister to Little India, Penang
Our Honorary Chief Minister YB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow has made a Courtesy to Little India on 6th August 2023 to enhance the relationship between the State Government and Little India traders.

Courtesy Visit by YB Kumaresan to Penang Chief Minister to Little India, Penang
YB Kumaresan Aramugam, ADUN Batu Uban has visited our Chamber on 1st September 2023. A discussion was held between him and our Chamber members on several matters including the Little India traders.

Program Bina Kerjaya
Malaysian Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry, Penang have on 5th September 2023, organised ‘Program Bina Kerjaya” for Unformal Workers with Professional Cerfificate in Digital Marketing at our Chambers meeting room.

Courtesy Visit to Chief Police Officer at Penang Contingent Police Headquarters
The President, Vice President, Treasurer and committee member have made a Courtesy Visit to Chief Police Officer on 18th September 2024 at Penang Contingent Police Headquarters.

Courtesy Visit by SUPT Ganesan and team to MICCI
SUPT Ganesan and his colleague have visited our Chamber on 29/9/2023 for a courtesy visit today. An interactive session was held between the and our Committee members was held for the mainly regarding the Little India traders.

Meeting with Datuk Bandar by MICCI’s member
MICCI’s President, Vice President, Treasurer, committee members and Mr. Chandrasekaran have on 2nd Ocober 2023 attended the meeting with Datuk Bandar today on issues related to Little India.

Discussion with the Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang Officers at Chamber Conference Room on the U-lesen registration
A Meeting with the Little India Traders along with MBPP officials was held on 6th October 2023  and 13th October 2024 to guide our traders for permits and guidelines related to tent erection.

PYDC Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge at The Ship, Batu Kawan today.
Mr Asok Kumar and Mr Veloo have attended the PYDC Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge at The Ship, Batu Kawan on 7th October 2024.

Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Awareness Program
Our Chamber have on 14th October 2023 organised the Awareness Program for the members.

E-Usahawan Program at Digital Penang by MDEC, Digital MAICCI and MICCI Penang
The E-Usahawan Program at Digital Penang by MDEC, Digital MAICCI and and MICCI Penang was successful held on 14th November 2023.

Courtesy visit by Hindu Sangam to MICCI
Penang Hindu Sangam members led by their Chairman, Mr  A. Tharman  had made a courtesy visit to our MICCI on 26th October 2023.

Hamper Giveaway Program For Needy People for Deepavali Festival
MICCI have successfully organised the Hamper Giveaway To Needy Rakyat for Deepavali Festival on 7th November 2023.

Final Inspection on Arch Building at Little India, Georgetown

Our Honorary Secretary Dato’ Seri N.Gobalakrishnan today has attended the ‘Final Inspection on Arch Building at Little India with the officials from the following organisation :

  1. Jurutera Kanan
  2. Jurutera Jalan 2
  3. Sri & Sri’s Associates Sdn Bhd
  4. Ruswa Engineering

Walkabout at Little India traders by MICCI’s Presidents and Committee Members
MICCI’s President,  Dato’ Parthiban, Vice President Dato’ Mariadas, Treasurer Dato’ Yuvabalan, Committee Member Mr. Karthiresan and Ms Usha  have on 10th November 2023 made  a walkabout at Little India and met most of the traders today and wish them Happy Deepavali.

Chit-Chat Session with Little India Traders
MICCI’s President Dato’ S. Parthiban together with a few Committee members had on 7th December 2024  had a chit-chat and tea session  with the Little India traders discussing on few concerning issues at Bite N Eat Dindigul Restaurant

Meeting with MITRA officials at Putrajaya
Our President Dato’ Parthiban, Hon. Secretary  DS Gobalakrishnan, Ms Sivasangari and Mr. Asok Kumar have attended the MITRA meeting at Putrajaya on 10th January 

Meeting With Tuan Steven Sim, Human Resources Minister at Putrajaya
Our President Dato’ Parthiban, VP Dato’ Mariadas, Mr Asok Kumar and Ms Sivasangari have today met YB Tuan Steven Sim, Human Resources Minister at Putrajaya on 12th January 2024. Among the matters discussed is regarding the intake of Foreign Workers for the 3 sectors namely barber, textile and goldsmith which has been unfrozen last year uneffectively resolved. Besides other HR and Perkeso related matters were also discussed during the meeting.

MICCI’s Ponggal Celebration
MICCI have organised the Ponggal celebration in front of Chamber business premises on 19th January 2024.

Course For Confinement Baby Care And Mother Care
MICCI have organised Course For Confinement Baby Care And Mother Care at Chamber Conference Room on 25th February 2024 whereby YB Dato Seri S. Sunderajoo has grace the event.

Courtesy visit by IPC India  to MICCI
Mr. Gaurab Mujumdar, Executive Director of IPC India  have made a courtesy visit to our Chamber on 18th March 2024. Also attended during the courtesy visit is our VP Dato’ Mariadas, our Treasurer, Dato’ Yuvabalan, Asst Secretary Mr. Patma, our Committee Mr. Karthik and Ms Sivasangari.

Courtesy Visit to the Department of Environmental
MICCI’s President, Dato’ Parthiban, VP  Dato’ Mariadas, Committee member Mr. Ashok Kumar, Ms Usha Rani and En. Muhammad Sunil has made a Courtesy Visit to the Department of Environmental (DOE) on 2nd April 2024.

Courtesy Visit to YB Daniel Gooi, EXCO for Youth, Sports and Health at Komtar
MICCI’s  President Dato’ Parthiban, VP Dato’ Mariadas Asst. Honorary Secretary, Mr Patmanathan and Committee member Ms Sivasangari have today made a Courtesy Visit to YB Daniel Gooi, EXCO for Youth, Sports and Health at YBs office at Level 53, Komtar on 4th April 2024.

Business loan dialogue session by Tekun and PDC Officers
MICCI Penang have on 6th April 2024 successfully organised the  business loan dialogue session by Tekun and PDC Officers.

MICCI Penang had its Extra Ordinary Meeting on 20th April and the 3 matter in the agenda has been accepted by the members.

The MITRA program has been successfully launched today by YB Prabagaran, the Chairman of the Special Committee of the Malaysian Indian Community Transformation Unit (MITRA).Our President Dato’ Parthiban, MAICCI President DS Gobalakrishnan, Trustee to DS Dr Palaniappan, VP Dato’ Mariadas, Treasurer Dato’ Yuvabalan, Asst. Hon. Secretary Mr. Patmanathan,  Committee Members, MITRA officials together with  YB Sanisvara Nethaji Rayer and YB Kumaresan also present during the said launching ceremony.

Food Basket Giveaway for under privilege people for Christmas 2021

MICCI  continued to organize its Corporate Social Responsibility Programme on 22nd December, 2021 at the Chamber premises and hand out Groceries and cash to 60 needy family. The above function was graced by our Honourable Chief Minister of Penang YAB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow.



MAQIS Dialogue with Penang Private Sectors
On 11th January, 2022 a dialoque session was held between MAQIS and Penang Private Sectors. The event was held at Tan Kok Ping Hall, Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Malaysian Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry, Penang was represented by Dato’ S. Parthiban, our Deputy together with our Assistant Honorary Secretary Mr. S. Patmanathen.



Ponggal Festival Event for 2022
MICCI have organised Ponggal Cooking, Kollam Decoration and ‘Uri Adithal’ contest in front of the Secretariat on 16th January 2022. The above function was graced by our Honourable Chief Minister of Penang YAB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow.



Meeting with Bank Simpanan Nasional Officers at MICCI
The Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) officers have come to our chamber to brief of Micro SMI scheme offered by them for the traders. The meeting was held on 10the March 2022 and was attended by our Vice President Datuk SST Muniandy and Mr. Veloo.


Meeting with Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang and Contractor for Upgrading of Road Works At Little India
A meeting with Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang Engineering department, License department and Contractor was held at Little India to discuss the upgrading of road works at Little India on 14/04/2022.  The said was attended by our Datuk Gobalakrishnan, Dato’ Munusamy and Dato’ Asok Kumar. Datuk Gobalakrishnan has expressed his concern on the flood issues. As the attending MPPP representatives is unable to give assurance on the flood matter, another meeting will be held at Komtar on  15/04/2022.


Meeting with Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang and Contractor for Upgrading of Road Works At Komtar Meeting Room

Further to the meeting with Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang Engineering department, License department and Contractor on 14/04/2022 which was held at Little India on the upgrading of road works, another meeting was held at Komtar meeting room on 15/04/2022.

The said meeting was attended by our Datuk Gobalakrishnan and Dato’ Asok Kumar . On Datuk Gobalakrishnan about the flood issues, En Nadzul Nizam of the Engineering department has informed that the flood matter is expected to be solved during the once the grading of the road word is completed.


Goodies For Runners for Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
The Chambers has presented RM100.00 and a box of kurma for 18 runners from various companies whom are celebrating Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.


Majlis Perasmian Malam Belia Dan Sukan Sempena Karnival Raya Aidil Fitri 2022
On 10th May 2022,  Majlis Perasmian Malam Belia Dan Sukan Sempena Karnival Raya Aidil Fitri 2022 was held at Pusat Eko Pelancongan SPU Pulau Pinang.  Our Assistant Honorary Secretary Mr Patmanathen and our Committee member Mr. Asok Kumar have attended the said ceremony on behalf of our Chamber.


Majlis Penghargaan Sukarelawan Belia Pulau Pinang
On 10th May 2022,  Majlis Penghargaan Sukarelawan Belia Pulau Pinang was held at Auditorium @ Kolej Sentral, Georgetown. Our Assistant Honorary Secretary Mr Patmanathen has attended the said ceremony on behalf of our Chamber.


Kunjungan Hormat Ke MICCI oleh En. Wong Yuee Harng
On 29th June 2022,  Mr. Wong Yuee Harng, Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang council member have visited our chamber. He also informed that DAP leaders lead by YAB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow cum Penang Chief MInister, Prof. Dr. P Ramasamy cum Deputy Chief Minister II and other DAP delegates will be visiting our chamber on 11th July, 2022 at 10a.m.